Heinrich Geiselberger: Foreword 7
Arjun Apadouray: The Fatigue of Democracy 17
Sigmund Baumann: Symptoms in Search of One Object and One Name 35
David van Reybrook: Dear President, Juncker 55
Donatella della Porta: Progressive and regressive policies in late neoliberalism 73
Slavoi Zizek: Populist Temptation 93
Eva Illuz: From the Liberation Paradox to the Liberals’ Elimination 113
Ivan Krastev: The Majority Prospects 137
Bruno Latour: Europe – Asylum 155
Paul Mason: Overcoming Fear of Freedom 169
Robert Miszik: Courage to Be Bold
Pancras Mishra: Politics in the Age of Enlightenment: The Dark Heritage of the Enlightenment 213
Oliver Nachtwei: Decivilization. Regarding regressive trends in Western societies 233
Cesar Rendoules: From the Global Reconciliation to Post-Capitalist Contradictions 251
Nancy Fraser: Progressive Neoliberalism Against Reaction Populism: One Hobson’s Choice 269
Wolfgang Srecke: The Return of the Printed Naneal Liberal Capitalism
Author information 307